Simon Huften is the President of Life Insurance Canada.com Inc.
Canada’s most comprehensive critical illness insurance quotes system. Instantly compare premiums, covered conditions, and contract provisions.
For background, we suggest you review our articles on critical illness insurance or reach out to us with any questions.
Running a critical illness insurance quote online:
To run a critical illness quote, just complete the form at the top of this page. Our system will sort 15 distinct critical illness insurance policies by premium. In order to run a quote, you will need to pre-determine what type of critical illness insurance you would like (term/temporary or permanent) as well as how much coverage you want. Again, see our free downloadable guide to purchasing critical illness insurance for further assistance.
Interpreting the quotes:
We recommend initially disregarding companies that do not provide standard and full coverage for covered conditions, i.e. companies that exclude conditions. We also recommend initially avoiding companies that do no use standard definitions for their contracts. Both of these considerations are noted in our online critical illness quotes.
This leaves the following companies as possibilities: Sun Life, BMO, SSQ (Enhanced), Desjardins (Harmony), Canada Life, Equitable Life, Western Life and Industrial Alliance. Select the least expensive company from this list, excluding BMO (as BMO requires that you also purchase a life insurance policy through our office at the same time in order to receive their critical illness coverage).
From there, determine if you want coverage for “Complications for Infectious Diseases”. Desjardins’ Harmony policy is the only policy in our quoting system that offers this coverage. Compare the premiums between your initial selection and the Desjardins policy. This difference in premium is the cost for you to obtain the “Complications for Infectious Diseases” coverage. Either keep your initial selection, or choose Desjardins based on this difference in premium and coverage.
Next determine if you want Manulife’s LivingCare plan instead of the traditional “Loss of Independence” coverage. As noted in our Loss of Independence page, Manulife’s LivingCare may be more likely to pay a claim than other Loss of Independence plans. In addition, Manulife has the option to convert your critical illness policy into a long term care policy, without being subject to a medical exam. Conversely, Manulife’s policy does not provide coverage for Bacterial Meningitis, nor does it provide partial coverage for superficial malignant melanoma or aplastic anemia. If you prefer the loss of independence coverage addition, over the loss of these three coverages, then select Manulife as your plan of choice.
And finally, your company choice should be reviewed with us so that we can provide our input on company selection. In addition to the comparison information in the online quotes, we will also provide input on things like underwriting requirements and company service. These things vary by company and individual so they’re not something we can easily document online. We are however readily available, toll free, to offer our thoughts and advice on your company selection. We’ll also guide you through the application and underwriting process.